The Pumi language is spoken in China by part of the 42,861 Pumi in Yunnan Province (2010 census) and by several tens of thousands of Pumi-speaking Tibetans in Sichuan Province. Due to modernization, both language and culture are endangered although still relatively vital in more remote areas. This website is intended to make available to the world some of the richness of the Pumi stories and traditions.
We hope that this website will give you an appreciation for the beauty and uniqueness of the Pumi culture and language, and you will enjoy our ever growing collection of stories, music, pictures and video. We also hope that the website will foster a deeper appreciation in the Pumi for their own culture and language.
This trilingual website uses Pumi, Chinese and English as its navigation languages. Pumi has no official orthography yet, so we use IPA transcription for the Pumi part of the website.